Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

remedies for dry eyes, Boca Raton, FloridaIf you suffer the annoyance of dry eyes, you know how inconvenient the problem can be.

Dry eyes can make it difficult to drive long distances, use a computer for a long period or travel on a plane, where eyes are strained due to the environment. The good news: There are some simple home remedies for dry eyes. If your symptoms are beyond mild, occasional dryness, talk to your physician or ophthalmologist.

Soothe Dry Eyes With Artificial Tears

Check with your doctor about which eye drops are best for you and how often you should use them. Some people need to use drops once daily, while others might need to use them several times per day. There are three major types:

  • Eye drops containing preservatives: Preservatives extend the shelf life of eye drop remedies for dry eyes, so many formulas contain them. Use these drops no more than four times a day. More frequent use may irritate your eyes.
  • Eye drops without preservatives: Non-preservative drops come in packages of single-dose vials. They’re unlikely to irritate the eyes, even if needed more than four times daily.
  • Eye ointments: Lubricating eye ointments are thick-textured, feeling like petroleum jelly. They coat your eyes, offering longer-lasting treatment. Use ointment only before you sleep because it temporarily clouds your vision.

Calm Inflammation by Washing Your Eyelids

Blepharitis and other eye conditions may lead to eyelid inflammation, blocking the flow of natural moisture to the eye. To wash the lids:

  • Place a clean washcloth, wet with warm water, over your eyes for five minutes. Then use the cloth to gently rub eyelids, loosening any debris
  • Massage closed eyelids with your fingers near the base of your eyelashes, using mild soap, such as baby shampoo or a type of soap recommended by your doctor. Rinse soap completely away. You may need to do this daily, even when your eyes aren’t feeling dry, to keep the problem from returning.

For quality medical supplies to treat dry eyes, order from Mar-J Medical Supply. We ship nationwide from our headquarters in Boca Raton.

Image via Shutterstock.com

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